If you desperately want more after that then start digging your way through the franchise's earlier entries. If you vibe with it, then play the rest of the 6th gen entries ( OG PS2 remasterer and J on the GBA) onward to 30. My personal recommendation is to start with the fan translation of Super Robot Wars A for the PSP (via PPSSPP you can run it on a tomato of a phone or computer). Introduces Ultraman for the first time too!

Super Robot Wars (30) just came out and is the first in the series to see a simultaneous global release. The Original Generation (OG) subseries features entirely new characters with no franchise licensing.

Each game is standalone for the most part and the formula has been pretty set in stone since the end of the SNES era. Pretty much pick any entry that came out from the GBA/PS2 era onward with the robot franchises you like.